Hevolution Foundation Postdoctoral Training in Geroscience (HF-PTG) Program – Request for Applications

Hevolution Foundation Postdoctoral Training in Geroscience (HF-PTG) Program will provide funding forPhD and MD/PhD students who want to pursue postdoctoral research training in the biology of agingor geroscience. The Hevolution…

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CMAR PI Karim Raza awarded over £1.5 million for new MB-PhD programme

Funded by the Kennedy Trust, the MB-PhD programme will be hosted by the University of Birmingham’s College of Medical and Dental Sciences and support three intercalating students a year for five years in areas of research relevant to musculoskeletal and other inflammatory diseases.

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Healthy Ageing: How to get there? – Researcher Links Workshop in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Earlier this year (16th to 18th March 2016), with funding from the Newton Fund through the British Council and FAPESP, we organised and ran a 3-day ‘Researcher Links’ workshop in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The workshop titled “Healthy Ageing: How to get there?” brought together scientists (both early career and established), clinicians and public health practitioners from two very different global regions, the UK and Brazil

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Centre PhD Student shortlisted for the Max Perutz Prize

Congratulations to Daniel Craig a PhD Student in the Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research (CMAR), who was the author of one of fourteen ‘outstanding’ articles (“Fighting flesh poverty: an apple a day?”) that were shortlisted for this year’s Max Perutz Science Writing Award, the Medical Research Council’s annual writing competition.

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