
Professor Paul Greenhaff
Director of the MRC-ARUK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research
Lead for CMAR research theme 2
Paul Greenhaff is Professor of Muscle Metabolism at the University of Nottingham. He heads the Experimental Medicine, Metabolic and Nutritional Physiology Research Group in the Division of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience in the School of Life Sciences, and is an active member of the Nottingham NIHR BRC. Paul has published >200 original full scientific papers, numerous review articles and book chapters and is an inventor of patents filed by the University of Nottingham. Paul is currently a Senior Editor of the Journal of Physiology. His long-term research interests have focussed on skeletal muscle mass regulation and muscle fuel metabolism in ageing, exercise, inactivity, trauma and disease. Current research is focussed on dovetailing experimental medicine research approaches with MR imaging to interrogate human metabolic and physiological adaptation to interventions from a multi-organ perspective.

Professor Simon W Jones
PhD, BSc
Institute of Inflammation and Ageing
Professor in Musculoskeletal Ageing
Interim Theme Lead for Ageing and Frailty
NIHR Birmingham Research Centre Theme Co-Lead, Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research Deputy Director
Professor Jones is a Professor in Musculoskeletal Ageing within the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing. His research is focused on understanding the inflammatory and metabolic mechanisms that mediate joint and musculoskeletal pathological disorders including Osteoarthritis, Sarcopenia, Type II Diabetes and Scoliosis. He has a particular research focus on the role of non-coding RNAs (including miRNAs and long non coding RNAs) in mediating inflammatory responses and in understanding how obesity affects the pathology of diseased joint and musculoskeletal tissues.

Professor Christopher Buckley DPhil FRCP
Arthritis Research UK Professor of Rheumatology
Lead for CMAR research theme 2
Chris has made major contributions to scientific administration through his roles with the arthritis research UK (Chair of the Fellowship Committee and Clinical Studies Group on early inflammatory arthritis) as well as EULAR (Scientific Programme organizing committee). He is closely involved in the development of clinical academics and he is a strong and eloquent advocate for clinician scientists in several fora.

Professor Philip Atherton
Professor of Clinical, metabolic & Molecular Physiology
Lead for CMAR research theme 1
I have been principal or co-investigator on successful project grants from UK research councils (MRC, BBSRC), the European Union (EUFP7), charities (Dunhill Medical Trust) and industrial (Ajinomoto, Abbott Nutrition) sources to the tune of >£10M. I have published ~90 peer-reviewed articles (H-index 35, i10 index 55, ~6000 citations) and 4 invited book chapters and my work has placed me in the world’s top 5% of cited authors for work in Biology & Biochemistry (source: Thomson Reuters). I have received prestigious early career awards (e.g. American Physiological Society New investigator 2010).

Professor Janet M Lord FMedSci, CBE
Emeritus Professor of Immune Cell Biology in the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, University of Birmingham
Janet was the founding director of CMAR. Her research focuses on the innate immune system, the body’s frontline defence against infection, and how the efficiency of this system is affected by ageing and stress, the latter including physical trauma and emotional stress such as bereavement. She is also interested in how the ageing of the immune system predisposes adults to chronic inflammatory diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and the muscle wasting associated with age and inflammatory conditions. In all of her work, she aims to translate research findings into interventions, whether lifestyle (exercise, diet) or pharmacological, to improve immunity and health in old age.

Professor Martin Hewison
Professor of Molecular Endocrinology and Deputy Director of the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research.
Lead for CMAR research theme 1
Prof. Hewison’s work focuses on different facets of vitamin D physiology, including classical skeletal effects and non-classical extra-skeletal effects. He has a particular interest in the interaction between vitamin D and the immune system, where antigen-presenting cells such as dendritic cells and macrophages synthesize active vitamin D (calcitriol) and also express the nuclear receptor for calcitriol (VDR). Vitamin D can, therefore, act as an endogenous regulator of both innate and adaptive immunity by enhancing antibacterial activity, and modulating antigen presentation and T lymphocyte function. Crucially these responses are highly dependent on the bioavailability of vitamin D, and Prof. Hewison has hypothesized that immune function is influenced by vitamin D status in humans. His group is using a variety of models to test this hypothesis including basic molecular and cell analyses, and vitamin D supplementation trials in human cohorts. A key objective of his work is to increase awareness of vitamin D-deficiency in the UK population.

Professor Beth Phillips
Associate Professor in Translational Physiology and Clinical, Metabolic and Molecular Physiology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Lead for training and Public and Patient Involvement
Beth’s work focuses on the pathophysiology of musculoskeletal morbidities (sarcopenia, cachexia, arthritis, disuse, metabolic syndrome etc.) and interventions to mitigate their progression and consequences. Combining molecular biology, stable isotope methodologies and detailed in vivo human physiology, Beth has been a key part of a team that has uncovered fundamental parameters governing alterations in musculoskeletal metabolism with ageing and disease. The unique aspect of Beth’s research is combining detailed in vivo human physiology with state-of-the-art vascular imaging methodologies to determine links between vascular function (including the musculoskeletal microvasculature) and metabolic dysregulation in ageing and disease and in the context of exercise-, nutrition- and pharmacological-based interventions. Latterly, Beth has also been involved in the application of OMIC technologies to discover predictors of, and the basis for, the musculoskeletal and vascular decline in ageing and age-associated disease. Beth’s future focus is aimed at investigating the mechanisms of, and developing predictors for, the heterogeneous metabolic and physiological improvements in responses to exercise-for-health interventions. Beth also has a strong interest in developing optimal exercise training interventions around clinical constraints (e.g. time to surgery) to improve physical function in various clinical cohorts (i.e. colorectal cancer, rheumatoid arthritis). Beth has significant involvement with and experience in numerous aspects of research relating to postgraduate training, ethics and scientific outreach.

Sophie Joanisse
Associate Professor in Exercise Science Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience Division School of Life Sciences University of Nottingham
Sophie’s research is largely focused on the molecular mechanisms underlying skeletal muscle remodelling (e.g., atrophy/hypertrophy), repair and regeneration. She is particularly interested in muscle stem cells, cells essential in the skeletal muscle repair process, and how their association with other structures (e.g., capillaries, ECM) and cell types (e.g., adipocytes, fibroblasts, inflammatory cells) within skeletal muscle can impact their function.

Yu-Chiang Lai
Associate Professor in Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry University of Birmingham
Yu-Chiang’s research focuses on deciphering the signalling networks that regulate muscle metabolic functions in ageing and atrophy. We seek to understand the molecular mechanisms that lead to muscle wasting and how exercise is able to improve muscle health when faced with various muscle wasting conditions.
The Management Board will provide leadership by:
- Promoting and facilitating research of international standing in keeping with the research vision and strategy of CMAR
- Supporting and building CMAR research capacity by increasing internal and external research opportunities for Centre members and PhD students;
- Developing strong networks between CMAR and national and international research groupings/centres/institutes in musculoskeletal ageing research, particularly those we have identified as key collaborative partners in phase two of the Centre
- Growing effective implementation of CMAR science into clinical practice and the wider community through partnership working
- Developing mutually beneficial links with industry in collaborative research areas, particularly with our recognised industry partners
- Driving delivery of CMAR knowledge to scientific and public sectors through communication and outreach;
Ensuring CMAR research remains relevant to patient needs through support for and coordination of PPI activity - Assisting, where applicable, exploitation of technology transfer in CMAR by, for example, collaborative research, contract work and intellectual property commercialisation
- Developing strong linkages within CMAR and with national and international research DTPs/centres/institutes to add scientific impact and value to the CMAR PhD training environment