Birmingham 1000 Elders on Communities programme on Unity FM 93.5
Professor Janet Lord speaks on the Connecting Communities programme on Unity FM 93.5
Professor Janet Lord speaks on the Connecting Communities programme on Unity FM 93.5
To celebrate World Sarcopenia Day, Professor Janet Lord, until recently director of the MRC-Versus Arthritis Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research , describes what sarcopenia is, what causes it and ways to prevent it in order to ensure that old age is Enjoyed and not Endured!
"The Future of Ageing: Ethical Considerations for Research and Innovation" was published yesterday 25th April 2023 by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. The report explores the ethical issues surrounding biomedical research and technological innovation in helping people live well in old age. The inquiry was overseen by a multidisciplinary working group including CMAR director Professor Janet Lord and was informed by a range of engagement and evidence gathering. Contributors to the inquiry include older adults, intergenerational discussion groups, practitioners, and academics from many different disciplines.
Professor Lord and Professor Greenhaff have recently published a review on Frailty in the journal Physiological Reviews, with CMAR PhD student Joe Taylor as the first author ( The review…
Centre Co-Director Professor Paul Greenhaff creates a new podcast highlighting that limb immobilization and bed rest (inactivity models) rapidly reduce insulin-mediated glucose disposal, which is sustained.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted stark inequalities in healthy life expectancy, according to a report into ageing published on Friday 15 January The report into healthy ageing has been published by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, following an in-depth inquiry for which CMAR's director was Special Adviser
In case you missed it, Professor Janet Lord the Director of the Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research, appeared on the BBC News last week. Janet gave an interview to BBC…
Move It or Lose it want to encourage the over 70s to do the 30 seconds sit-to-stand challenge, then submit, track and improve their scores. Families can encourage their older relatives to take on the challenge throughout lockdown and beyond.
Wondering how you can keep your immune system working efficiently whilst you are self-isolating? Professor Janet Lord, Director of CMAR and the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, tells us just how important exercise is for our immune system.
The House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, under the Chairmanship of Lord Patel, is conducting an inquiry into ageing and CMAR Director Janet Lord has been appointed as Special Advisor