ONLINE DELIVERY (Zoom) THURSDAY 18th APRIL 2024 – 14:00-16:00 BST
Hosted online by the Centre of Metabolism, Ageing and Physiology (CoMAP) at the University of Nottingham, the BMSS is pleased to announce the introductory webinar from the recently (re)established Stable Isotope Tracer Mass Spectrometry SIG. The History of Mass Spectrometry is intricately intertwined with that of stable isotopes and their use as metabolic tracers. This webinar will aim to introduce stable isotope tracers, how they have developed over the past century, and how mass spectrometry has paved the way for their current applications within metabolic research in particular. A host of internationally renowned experts in the field will help to introduce this special interest group and provide an introductory insight into their uses and applications.
Preliminary Programme:
Dr Daniel Wilkinson (University of Nottingham): Introduction to the Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Special Interest Group and a brief history of Stable Isotope Tracers and MS. (40-45 mins)
Applications of Stable Isotope Tracers and MS to Metabolic Research (15-20min short talks; titles TBC):
· Professor Ken Smith – Professor of Metabolic Mass Spectrometry, Head of the Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Facility, University of Nottingham, UK.
· Dr Matthew Brook – Assistant Professor in Human Physiology and Metabolism, University of Nottingham, UK
· Dr Daniel Moore – Associate Professor in Muscle Physiology, University of Toronto, Canada.
· Professor Olav Rooyackers – Head of Division Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
Registration for this event is free of charge. Please click here to register.